Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On the earth-digging results of the Nursing Board exams -- Man, It Really Goes Underground!

FilBok! (Filipino Vocabulary)

Nakakapanghina!-- (expression) it is making me queasy!

Bagsak -- (noun) failed

And so the results of the 2009 Nursing Board Exams was released, and it seems that if there is anything that will need urgent medical attention, or should we say, sent immediately to the operatiing room and sent to ICU, it would be the results. FOr it was revealed that out of the 90,000 or so nursing student who took that exam, only more than 29,000 or so students passed them -- ROUGHLY MORE THAN 26 PERCENT!?!? This is ABSOLUTELY CATASTROPHIC, not only to the nursing students, but also to the nursing and medical schools, the country's Department of Health, and to the entire medical professional field! Nakakapanghina!

The big question that hangs around the unspeakable results of the PRC Nursing Board Exams is this -- What went wrong? Where did it all go wrong?

To the inquiring mind, the problem may be seen in a range of causes. One of them is the type of academic or professional formation of medical students -- this has implications to the type of educational curriculum medical schools are using. Indirectly from this may be the type of educators or professors the nursing students have -- since the professors, the instructors themselves are the ones who carry out the medical education curriculum, from theory to practice, so to speak.

Another cause may be seen in a broader scope -- and this may be expressed in the dying need for a thorough upgrading of the educational sector -- or at least in the tertiary level, so to speak, and for nursing and medical schools in particular. The results of the Nursing Board Exams should give the educational authorities concerned, with the wake-up call to respond, to the urgency for a thorough and long-lasting reforms, if not upgrading,of the educational formation of our medical or nursing students.

And now,medical schools are being given a period of 3 years to upgrade, if not improve their instruction, their educational formation of nursing students, in order to improve their academic and educational backgrounds. Of course (and sorry though if I were to say this, but this IS truth)the exam results will indeed point out as to what kind of school these students hail from.

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